Portal 2 time travel
Portal 2 time travel

portal 2 time travel portal 2 time travel

The premise for the series is that physicist Sam Beckett (Bakula) is performing experiments in time travel when he finds himself traveling backwards in time where he “leaps” into the bodies of different people and takes their place to, as the opening narration proclaims, “make right what once went wrong.” To the audience, those people look like Bakula, but to everyone else - as revealed whenever he looks into a mirror - he looks like the person whose body he is in control of.

portal 2 time travel portal 2 time travel

Oh go ahead, bitch and complain that Scott Bakula wasn’t your idea of a starship captain on Star Trek: Enterprise, but there’s a reason the actor was chosen for the part, and much of it had to do with what he brought to Quantum Leap. The pilot for a new series was produced in 2002, but never went forward. But, hey, these guys with knowledge of the future can actually influence history, can’t they? Unfortunately, they frequently get this close before being yanked back into the time stream. The Tic-Toc team (okay, it’s sounding sillier by the minute) are able to communicate with them in the different eras they arrive in, and attempts to pull them back to the present but send them instead to different periods in history. Anthony Newman (James Darren - hey, Vic Fontaine from Deep Space Nine!) enter, and are plunged through time. The premise is kind of cool: Project Tic-Toc (okay, that part definitely diminishes much of the cool) has developed an experimental time machine (which remains a great visual) in which Dr. Producer Irwin Allen ruled much of the sci-fi airwaves throughout the 1960s with shows like Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea, Lost In Space, Land Of The Giants and this show, The Time Tunnel.

Portal 2 time travel